• 15th century: Beginnings of lace, which has developed from embroideries and braids.
  • Beginning of 16th century: Both noble ladies and nuns in the convents used to produce laces. Tradition and teaching in lace-making arts were kept in convents up to 20th century.
  • End of 16th century: Lace production became popular.
  • 17th and 18th century: greatest flowering of lace, worn by clerics, aristocracy, officers, court (at the times of Louis the 13th and Louis the 14th).

  • Revolution 1789: total stagnation in lace development, because of abolition of aristocracy privileges.
  • Empire: Attempt at restoration of popularity of laces and thereby also production of them.
  • 19th century: A slight decline occurred after the revolution as a result of the industrialisation pressure, impoverishment and class struggles.
  • 20th century: Re-establishment of several regional lace production centres.
  • Before the World War Two: The Depression showed also in the lace making industry.
  • After the World War Two: A new fashion of lace, which is used in production of ready-make clothes, fine laundry, curtains and domestic textiles.


  • Before 1494: The painting by Memling (died 1494) for the citizen of Bruges by the name of Floreinsky, clothes decorated by bobbin laces, likely the first portray of lace.
  • 1582: The lace-makers are in the board, which welcomed the duke of z Anjou on his visit of the town Lille.

  • 1660: Colbert founded the Royal lace production manufacture; he posted 30 Venetian lace-makers and 200 Flemish lace-makers to France.
  • 1662: England prohibited import of all laces.
  • 1678: Confiscation of the ship, sailing to England with a freight of laces (1118 m of laces).
  • 1738: 3 000 pounds of laces bought for the bedroom of the French queen.

  • 1766: Lace-making declared as a free trade.
  • 1817: The school of lacemaking from Vienna was relocated to Prague.
  • 1896: Industrial statistics: 47 571 persons in Belgium are engaged in lace production.
  • 1908: The machine production of bobbin laces established in the company M. Faber & Co. in the town Letovice.
  • 1925: torchon bobbin lace became one of parts of the Czechoslovak expositions on the exhibitions of the world.

The machine production of laces in Letovice was established as the first of this art on the Continent. It was by 20 years earlier, then the nearest competitors at the territory of Germany.

The lace production in Letovice had no competition on the Continent up to 1856, and therefore it could develop continuously. Only the products from England competed with this production, but they were imported only seldom. Conflicts with the English competitors were prevented by orientation to the Austro-Hungarian market, which was protected by high import duties. In this way the lace production was protected also against the importers of these goods later.

  • In 1832, the tradesman Baum bought from the count Kálnoky the building of the former manufacture and started here with the adaptation works for construction of the bobbinet machines, bought in England. Before finishing the reconstructions, he took the machines into operation in England. However, export of the machines from England was prohibited. For infringement of this decision the capital punishment was declared. Shortly afterwards Mr. Baum had the dismantled; in 1833 he spirited them away to Letovice via Hamburg, Szceczin, Antwerp and Trieste. The long shafts were fixed on the lower part of the ship. In 1834, production of laces "Tatting" on the machines Warp already started-up.
  • However, on the 1st August, 1834, the financially exhausted Mr. Baum had to sell all installed machines. His brother-in-law Moritz Faber and his friend Ludwig Damböck bought them.        
  • In 1834, His Majesty Emperor of Austria Franz the 1st visited the factory. He complied with the wishes of Daniel Baum for granting the emperors´ protection to the young enaterprise.    

The privilege consisted particularly in imposing the protective duty on lace imports (the amount of duty is estimated to 100 per cent of the normal production price). After death of the Emperor Franz the 1st, the duty was reduced to half. Prices of lace products were determined therefore in the monopoly conditions at maximum possible level. Mr. Faber had, due to unified sale of product, granted the maximum gain, enabling equity accumulation and further technical advance as well.

Building of the railway track between Brno and Česká Třebová in 1848 influenced the production favourably.

In 1863, the founder of lace production Daniel Baum died. The factory led Móritz Faber.

About 1885, the factory in Letovice already had competitors - the company Wagner a Rohlinek in Brno, however, the company crashed and the machines were transported to Letovice. Likewise the company Blair in Wiener Neustadt liquidated as well as the company Fiola et Gutsom in Füdorf near from Vienna. However, the pressure of competition withstood the companies Tüll und Spitzenfabrik in the town Aš, which had produced up to the end of the World War Two as well as the company Gottschald a spol. of Prague and minor family companies with the bobbin and embroidery machines in the villages Vejprty, Kraslice and Přísečnice.

The factory in Letovice with headquarters in Vienna extended production also outside Letovice. To the company belonged also the lace plants in the village Mezilesí, and in Milan (Italy) (production was moved later to Turin), in Wiener Neustadt, in Vienna, in Györ (Hungary) and in the village Velké Šťáhle.


  • 1908 - The first 50 bobbin machines in Letovice started to produce laces.

  • End of the war in 1918 - Break-up of Austro-Hungary, formation of independent Czechoslovak Republic and other so called successor countries on the territory of the former Austria presented the lace production with many problems. The change in fashion has also set in, departure from the previous costumes, when the lace was very demanded. The new machines are bought to enable competition with French goods.
  • 1925 - Number of the bobbin machines increased up to 430. Production of the bobbin laces in Letovice was the most extensive in Europe at that time.

  • The top artists from Vienna designed new patterns for the company M. Faber & Co.        
  • With the whole Mr. Fabers´ factory in Letovice had job more than 1000 people. The new markets were searched for and the custom problems were solved.
  • 1929 Beginning of the Depression. The sales slackened and thereby came also reduction of production and dismissal of redundant workers. Later also the political pressure of Germany and threat of war became evident.
  • 1939 - Occupation of Czechoslovakia. In the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia the lace production in Letovice was maintained, despite of the fact, that the company M. Faber started-up the war armament production, where a major part of workers from the lace production was transferred.

  • 1800: From this year originate the first surviving plans of the buildings construction. The owner of premises count Albrecht Dubský of Lysice had the buildings of the future "Dubského továrny na šrouby a hřebíky" (Dubskýs´ screw and nail factory) made, one of the first screw factories in Austro-Hungaria, on the place of the former swamps.
  • 1863: Building of the new boiler house and modernising of the screw and nail production.
  • 1921: The industrial magnate count Dubský implemented an extensive modernising, he changed completely the appearance of the company. He rebuilt all buildings to the present appearance; he built a new vapour boiler house for heating and, in particular, for the new machinery in the production and the shop for surface treatment of screws and nails. The best equipped and most efficient screw production in this time. There were apartments for the clerical workers and for the director any for that time very advanced sanitary facilities for the workers.
  • 1932: The factory two times stopped production during the year. At the end the production was quite stopped, despite of the fact, that it had number of orders, exceeding the production capacity. As a result of pressure of the trust, which reduced price of nails, so as the nails were cheaper as wire, Albrecht Dubský stopped production. For this act he allegedly got compensation from the trust in the amount of CZK 5.5millions. The machines were transported to Moravia.
  • From 1933 the factory became dilapidated.
  • 19431946 Emil Ryzí of Lačnov rented the buildings and produced there wooden playthings.


In January 1st, 1946, the company Tylex, national enterprise, factories of laces and tulle was established by the foundation decree and obtained almost the whole lace industry in the Czech countries, i. e. besides of Letovice also the region of Krušné hory mountains and the Vamberk region.

Mid 1948: - Moving of all bobbin machines to the subsidiary factory in the village v Drnovice, which was specialised in production of bobbin laces and curtains. The whole production of bobbin laces from Letovice and, subsequently, also from the whole Czech Republic was transferred to Drnovice. The bobbin machines were brought particularly from the Northbohemian and Eastbohemian border regions.

In 1949, the factory was already fully in operation. The production was implemented on machines of several manufacturers.

The factory buildings had been modernised gradually, including the sanitary facilities. The factory had been for the whole time in good technical condition.

Good technical condition of the bobbin machines had been maintained systematically and the new more advanced machines had been purchased gradually.